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10 dec eventbild

Realizing the Vision of a “Europe Whole, Free and at Peace”

10 december 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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Realizing the Vision of a “Europe Whole, Free and at Peace”   The Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) invited to a discussion on the EU’s Eastern Partnership. The West’s engag...
SCEEUS event hemsidan 24.11

Shifting Geopolitical Realities in the South Caucasus

24 november 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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The Second Karabakh War in the autumn of 2020 changed the geopolitical constellation in the South Caucasus and constitutes an example of the inherent instability of protracted conflicts in Eastern Europe.
SCEEUS event hemsidan

The Russian-Georgian Conflict

22 november 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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After 30 years of regained independence, Georgia still struggles to regain control over its internationally recognized territory. The Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia are de facto occupied by Russia, albeit...
eventbild 11 nov

The Protracted Conflicts in Eastern Europe

11 november 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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The Protracted Conflicts in Eastern EuropeThe Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) invited to a discussion about the protracted conflicts in Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe, s...
SCEEUS event hemsidan 2510

The Transnistrian Conflict: 30 Years Looking for a Settlement

25 oktober 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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Although once regarded as the easiest secessionist dispute to settle in the post-Soviet space, the Transnistrian conflict is still unresolved. Why has the settlement process failed to bring any substansial results?

Russia and the West after the 2021 State Duma Elections

29 september 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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What implications do the conduct, results and repercussions of the elections have for Russian domestic and foreign affairs?

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