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Eventbild Makt och repression

Makt och repression: Parlamentsval i Ryssland

21 september 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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Vad innebär den ökade inhemska repressionen? Vilken roll kan den fängslade oppositionsledaren Aleksej Navalnyj spela i valet?
SCEEUS event 09.06

Russian State Memory Wars: a Conversation with Sergei Lebedev

6 september 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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Under Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, history has become a tool of mobilization and legitimacy, but also a source of friction with the country’s neighbors.
SCEEUS eventbild3

Eastern Ukraine and the Role of the International Community

22 juni 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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What is the situation in eastern Ukraine like and what human rights problems exist? What is the responsibility of Russia?
SCEEUS eventbild grå bakgrund

The Eastern Partnership: Progress and Prospects

8 juni 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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What has the EU delivered so far and what will it be able to deliver in the future? How well have the EaP countries been able to make use of the offers from the EU? How strong has the transformative, modernizing power of the policies been? What are the...
SCEEUS eventbild2

Prospects for US-Russia Strategic Stability

7 juni 2021 15:00
Zoom (online)

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What are the prospects for US-Russian cooperation on these issues and what could we realistically expect from the US-Russia Summit on June 16? What are the strategic consequences, globally and for Europe? What are the security implications of new tec...

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