1 October, 2024
SCEEUS is Key Program Partner at Warsaw Security Forum 2024

We are honored to be Key Programe Partner at the Warsaw Security Forum 2024.
Join us at the Swedish Corner or catch our expert-led panels on the latest in global security. Find the live stream here. See the full agenda here.
SCEEUS will be a visible presence at this important gathering at a pivotal time for Europe and the World. The following package of reports gives a taste of the type of policy relevant analysis that SCEEUS offers, and feeds into the current policy dialogue on Ukraine, Russia and the other countries in Eastern Europe. En route to Warsaw, here is your recommended reading:
Julia Kazdobina, Jakob Hedenskog and Andreas Umland show how the Moscow playbook confused Western politicians in 2014-2015, with a view to avoid a similar trap again.
Aleksandr Golts explores in-depth the choices facing the Kremlin’s military recruitment as volunteers to fight against Ukraine become increasingly expensive and hard to come by.
Hugo von Essen (also one of the 2024 WSF New Security Leaders) writes about how Russia-China relations are likely to play out in the years to come.
Stefan Ingvarsson and Ekaterina Kalinina ask what remains of civil society in Russia, and what strategies Western countries should have for engagement.
Fredrik Löjdquist on that a new global and European security architecture will have to be forged. The West must now move from a reactive to a proactive mode in dealing with the Russia problem, taking the strategic initiative in formulating and articulating a clear strategic vision for Ukraine
Victoria Leukavets decodes the last months’ releases of political prisoners in Belarus