Läsvärda Publikationer
Här länkar vi till läsvärda publikationer från andra organisationer.
- The power of a promise: Understanding Ukraine’s bilateral security agreements (Leo Litra, ECFR)
- Brave New Ukraine (Nataliya Gumenyuk, Foreign Affairs)
- Imagine Defeat (Jeffrey Gedmin, American Purpose)
- Dictators International (Alexander Lukashuk, American Purpose)
The Obstacles to Diplomacy in Ukraine (Branislav L. Slantchev and Hein Goemans, Foreign Affairs)
- Sanctions on Russia: Getting the Facts Right (FREE Network)
- A long war works against Ukraine – and the West’s own security (James Nixey, Chatham House)
Protecting Ukraine Aid from Western Political Dysfunction (Torbjörn Becker & Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Project Syndicate)
- A Resolution to the Transnistria Conflict Is More Distant Than Ever (Vladimir Solovyov, Carnegie)
Georgian citizens prepare for 2024 (Mark Temnycky, New Eastern Europe)
Armenia and Azerbaijan Conclude the Year With Hopeful Prospects for Peace (Vasif Huseynov, Jamestown Foundation)
Russia’s Row With Finland Exacerbates Baltic Solitude (Pavel K. Baev, Jamestown Foundation)
War in Ukraine - perspectives on peace talks (Timothy Ash, Substack)
Behind the Lines: The Race to Rescue Ukraine’s Stolen Children (Elina Betekova, CEPA)
What Russia’s budget reveals about the war in Ukraine (The Economist)
The Dream of a European Security Order With Russia Is Dead (Kristi Raik, Foreign Policy)
- Regaining Georgia After Victory in Ukraine (Nicolas Tenzer, Tenzer Strategics)
- The Promise & Perils of EU Expansion (Carl Bildt, Foreign Affairs)
- Regime Change in Russia Won’t Lead to Chaos or Collapse (Andrei Kolesnikov, Carnegie)
- The state of the war (Timothy Snyder, Thinking about...)
- One step beyond: Why the EU needs a Russia strategy (Marie Dumoulin, ECFR)
The End of the Russian Idea (Andrei Kolesnikov, Foreign Affairs)
- Ukraine reconstruction is a public good (Timothy Ash)
- Ukraine Shuns Russia’s Frenzied Victory Cult (Elena Davlikanova, CEPA)
- 04.16 Putin’s Homophobia Is Advancing LGBTQ Rights in Ukraine (Johanna Chisholm, Foreign Policy)
- 04.13 Moldova Still Bears a Heavy Refugee Burden One Year On (Natalia Savelyeva, CEPA)
- 04.07 Putin’s Second Front (Andrei Kolesnikov, Foreign Affairs)
04.06 Russia Is Winning in Georgia (Francis Fukuyama & Nino Evgenidze, Foreign Affairs)
04.04 Åter ur askan: det svenska och globala bidraget till Ukrainas återuppbyggnad (Anders Olofsgård, Maria Perrotta Berlin, EBA)
03.30 How to Benchmark Victory in Ukraine (Liana Fix, Foreign Policy)
03.30 Georgia’s Protesters Won the Battle but Not the War (Natia Seskuria, Foreign Policy)
- 03.29 Russian nuclear intimidation (Keir Giles, Chatham House)
- 03.29 Ukraine Has Shifted Europe’s East-West Fault Line (Jack Detsch, Amy Mackinnon & Robbie Gramer, Foreign Policy)
- 03.24 The fetish of Russia’s stability: an intelligent weapon against the West (Maria Domańska, New Eastern Europe)
- 03.23 The EU accession prospects of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia (CEPS)
- 03.19 Putin’s War on Young People (Lucian Kim, Foreign Policy)
03.18 Russia Signals It Will Take More Ukrainian Children, a Crime in Progress (Emma Bubola, New York Times)
- 03.16 Russia Is Furious at Georgia’s Protesters (Laura Thornton, Foreign Policy)
- 03.15 Playing the Victim (Timothy Snyder)
- 03.14 Sexual violence as weapon of war (Marta Havryshko, Eurozine)
- 03.10 Staring Down the Black Hole of Russia’s Future (Anastasia Edel, Foreign Policy)
- 03.10 Georgia’s European dream is being carried by the highest spirit of democracy (Tinatin Akhvledani, CEPS)
- 03.07 Rebuilding Ukraine: The Gender Dimension of the Reconstruction Process (FREE Network)
- 03.03 Georgia and the West Fall Out (Emil Avdaliani, CEPA)
- 03.03 Russia’s Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Civilians: How Civil Society Aids Accountability and Justice (Oleksandra Matviichuk, Natalia Arno & Jasmine D. Cameron, Just Security)
- 02.28 Armenias Year of Insecurity (Thomas de Waal, Carnegie Europe)
- 02.24 Rysslands väg mot auktoritär expansionism (Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift)
- 02.23 The Stolen Children: How Russia Attempts to Kidnap Ukraine’s Future (Tetiana Fedosiuk, ICDS)
- 02.22 The Return of the Russia Question (Alexey Kovalev, Foreign Policy)
- 02.20 Seven ways Russia’s war on Ukraine has changed the world (Chatham House)
- 02.19 One Year Into War, Putin Is Crafting the Russia He Craves (Anton Troianovski and
- 02.16 How to beat Russia: What armed forces in NATO should learn from Ukraine’s homeland defense (Nico Lange, GLOBSEC)
- 02.16 What Putin Broke (Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, CEPA)
- 02.11 It’s High Time to Decolonize Western Russia Studies (Artem Shaipov and Yuliia Shaipova, Foreign Policy)
- 02.01 Biden’s Escalation in Ukraine Is About Diplomacy Not Victory (Henry Brands, The Washington Post)
- 01.31 Ukraine and the EU at the Time of War: A New Paradigm (Laure Delcour and Kataryna Wolczuk, Zentrum Liberale Moderne)
- 01.25 Inside Washington’s about-face on sending tanks to Ukraine (Politico)
- 01.20 Så har Putins krig ritat om den ekonomiska kartan (Ekonomiekot Extra)
- 01.14 Why the world needs Ukrainian victory (Timothy Snyder)
- 01.14 ”Ge Ukraina en rivstart på vägen in i EU” (Gunnar Hökmark, SvD)
- 01.10 Future Scenarios for Russia: An Optimistic, but Realistic Outlook (Vladimir Milov, Zentrum Liberale Moderne)
How to Sustain Support for Ukraine and Overcome Financial and Political Challenges | SITE Development Day 2022 (FREE Network)
- 12.25 Thoughts of a dead man (Mykhailo Mischenko, Razumkov centre)
- 12.01 Baltic Worlds Issue 3-4, 2022: Trapped in Evil Times (CBEES)
11.01 The bleak economic future of Russia (Maria Perrotta Berlin & Jesper Roine, Stockholm School of Economics)
- 06.14 Russian war crimes: “denazifying” Ukrainians through deportation, torture, detention and filtration camps (Christine Chraibi, Euromaidan Press)