Thematic focus
Name |
Brief Description |
Think tank/ political, economic, social developments in Belarus. |
The Center for New Ideas is an independent think tank which sets a goal to create and inform new policies for the path of a new Belarus while also helping Belarus overcome the challenges that it faces in the 21st century. Since 2022, the Center for New Ideas has been registered as a non-governmental organization in Poland: Stowarzyszenie "Centrum Nowych Idei".
Think tank/ political, economic, social developments in Belarus. |
Institute for Development and Social Market
It is an independent research and analytical center registered in the Republic of Lithuania. The institute began its activities in May 2012. The mission of the institute is to promote the preparation and implementation of reforms in the economic, political and social spheres through research, conferences, educational programs, consulting and various other projects. |
Think tank/ political, economic, social developments in Belarus. |
Institute for Political Studies “Political Sphere”
“Political Sphere” is a research and expert institution which sets a goal to analyze political and social developments in Belarus and Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, “Political Sphere” acts as a co-organizer of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies (see below). |
International Congress of Belarusian Studies
ICBS is an annual academic conference which aims to improve understanding of Belarus in academic and public spheres in the regional and the world contexts.
Think tank/ political, economic, social developments in Belarus. |
Ostrogorski Centre is a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to analysis and policy advocacy on problems which Belarus faces in its transition to market economy and the rule of law. In addition, Ostrogorski Center acts as a co-organizer of annual conferences “Belarusian Studies in the 21st century” (see description below). |
Annual ‘Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century’ Conference
Academic conference convened on an annual basis by the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, the Ostrogorski Centre and the Francis Skaryna Belarusian Library and Museum to discuss various aspects of contemporary Belarusian studies. |
Think-tank/ security analysis |
The International Strategic Action Network for Security (iSANS)
iSANS is an international expert initiative established in 2018 and aimed at detecting, analysing and countering hybrid threats against democracy, rule of law and sovereignty of states in Western, Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. |
Think-tank/public administration |
The School of Managers in Public Administration (SYMPA)
The School of Managers in Public Administration (SYMPA) is a think tank and an educational project which promotes principles of good governance, provides informal education and conducts research in public administration sphere. |
Think-tank/ economic research and analysis |
BEROC is a leading economic academic think-tank in Belarus which aims to generate and spread new academic and policy knowledge on challenges, tendencies and development of Belarusian economy. |
Think-tank/IT, e-government and e-democracy |
e-belarus.ORG is an independent think tank on ICT developments, e-government and e-democracy in Belarus. It conducts analysis and surveys on trends regarding e-government, political activism and technology. |
Project/policy analysis, outreach, webinars |
The purpose of the Oxford Belarus Observatory (OBO) is to raise awareness and knowledge of contemporary issues and challenges facing Belarus, including as those relate to war in Ukraine and its enduring consequences. |
Project/ research, analysis, opinion polls |
Chatham House Belarus Initiative
This project provides analysis and recommendations for democracy, good governance and human rights protection in Belarus. |
Project/Reforms in Belarus |
Bank of ideas sets a goal to create a platform where independent experts can propose their ideas for reforms in Belarus. |
Project/news, analysis, public discussion |
Press Club Belarus is a community of Belarusian media professionals who share the values of freedom of speech and human rights, strengthen the potential of independent media, increase stability of the media sector and promote its consolidation. |
Expert Network/ Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the EU level
European Network for Belarus (ENB) aims to establish a network of experts, representatives of civil society, and politicians to support the democracy movement in Belarus. This network shall enhance the exchange of expert knowledge on Belarus and the visibility of Belarus in Germany, the project's partner countries Lithuania and Poland, as well as at the EU level. |
Expert Network/ Germany and the EU level
Working Group on Belarus (Arbeitskreis Belarus)
Goals of the Working Group on Belarus: - Establishment of contacts to and from Belarus; - Political advice on Belarus for European civil society and policy-makers; - Exchange and dissemination of information on Belarus in Germany; - Networking of civil society actors and experts with an interest in Belarus. |
Expert Network/ Belarus civil society organisations |
Belarusian National Platform of the EaP Civil Society Forum (CSF). |
The Belarusian National Platform of the EaP CSF was founded in July 2010 and serves as a venue for organizing conferences or round tables related to civil society in Belarus. |
Expert Network/ The Nordic and Baltic countries |
Belarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy
The Belarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy aims to: -produce facts-based debate on relevant topics for the development and understanding of Belarus; -Inform local and regional policymakers on key policy issues of importance to Belarus; -Establish a network of experts on Belarus across the Nordic and Baltic countries. |